We all have those cities or countries that we would just die for to visit.. well here is my top five list of places I need and will visit before I turn 30! We're starting off with a sort of cliche one but the 1st place on my list is to visit L.A like are you normal if you do not want to visit L.A? It is just everything you need and I have wanted to visit L.A since god knows what age but as you sort of grow up and see what you really want in life and travelling is what I really, really want to do with my life and L.A is a must so that is why I have started with it. Moving over to the Greek Islands! Mykonos is just one of them places that you see and instantly fall in love with? It looks magical and almost dream like, But surprisingly, I can see myself there! It is a dream and wish I can see coming true. This dreamy Island is just perfect, One of the many things I love is how it isn't too hot but it does get those burning temperatures but there is a breeze which is ...